Epilogue I

Aeris had been all around the world now, but Wedge's family farm was still one of the loveliest places she'd seen. They pulled into the dirt driveway just after noon, only an hour after they'd finally gotten enough reception to get a call through, and Aeris hopped out of the borrowed Shinra delivery truck to feel the ground beneath her boots. The air was crisp, the sun bright overhead, and a faint earthy scent hung in the air.

Beneath it all, the Planet hummed. Not an exuberant song of celebration, but the soft sound of a contented exhaustion. Holy had taken a great effort, but the Planet had finally pulled the knife from its back that was Jenova, and the open wound at the Northern Crater had at last begun to heal. It could take decades or even centuries, and the remaining reactors continued to sap its strength, but for the moment, for the first time since Aeris had heard its voice, it wasn't afraid. It trusted the rest to them.

But, they had their own respite to take.

"Tifa!" Aeris exclaimed, pointing to the huge maple shading the front porch of the farmhouse. A golden yellow color had begun to consume its foliage, a thing she'd known about but never seen for herself.

Tifa was helping Barret out of the truck, but she followed Aeris's gesture and smiled. "That's autumn for you."

"I've never seen autumn," Aeris confessed. Her eyes drifted over the landscape, but most of the trees in sight were still green.

The porch door slammed open, and Marlene tumbled out, racing across the grass towards them. "Papa! Tifa!"

Tifa eased into a crouch with Barret, and Marlene flung herself into their waiting arms. "I missed you so much, baby girl," Barret murmured into her hair. Jessie hurried to join them, and Aeris stood watching the reunion with a smile.

More movement drew her gaze, and she saw her mother coming down the path. Her step quickened as Aeris met her gaze, and Aeris closed the last few paces to embrace her.

"Hi, Mom," she said.

"I'm so glad you're safe," said Elmyra, and when she pulled back, there were tears pricking her eyes.

"Come on, Mom. Don't cry now. Everything's fine."

Elmyra wiped at her eyes. "I know, I know. These are happy tears." Her gaze fell on something behind Aeris, and she hesitated. "Is that...?"

Aeris glanced back. Zack had crossed the driveway to join them, leaning his weight on a metal rod they'd dug out of slums scrap.

"Uh, hey, Mrs. G," he said. "It's been a while."

"Zack," said Elmyra. "I heard you've had a time of it. I... may owe you an apology for a few unkind things I said, after you disappeared."

Zack's expression relaxed into a smile. "Don't worry about it. I get it, it sure looked like I just ran off and broke your daughter's heart."

"There were certainly some tears shed over it."


Zack caught her eye, arching an eyebrow. "Really? Kinda nice to hear. This one would have me thinking there was hardly anything to get over."

"I can't believe you two are going to gang up on me now," said Aeris, her hands on her hips.

"Uh," Wedge broke in from behind as the two unlikely conspirators shared a smile, "Elmyra, do you know where my brother is?"

"Oh, he's looking after everything in the kitchen. We thought we'd all have a nice lunch together, but we're not quite ready yet. I guess that gives you all some time to clean up from your journey."

Aeris glanced down at herself. She'd been wearing the same clothes since the battle in the crater, and she hadn't had the chance for a real bath since Icicle Inn, a week ago.

"It's not that bad," Wedge tried to assure her, but Nanaki had approached near enough to overhear, and the look he gave Wedge said otherwise.

"No, I'm sure it is," Aeris conceded. "But I haven't got anything else to wear, Mom. The Shinra took our stuff."

"You can borrow one of my dresses," Elmyra offered, "and we'll... see what we can do for the rest of your friends."

Aeris made a face, but it would be good to be in clean clothes, even if her mother's taste in fashion was awfully boring.

Past the initial flurry of reunions, Elmyra led them all up to the bedroom closest to the bath so they could wash up and change. The room wasn't quite up to her mother's standards of cleanliness, and Aeris surmised that it probably belonged to Wedge's brother.

Everyone crowded inside, and Barret eased down onto the bed. Marlene clambered up beside him, gone quiet now with so many people around. Elmyra left them, and out in the hall, Aeris heard her directing Vincent into a different room where Lucrecia could rest.

"So, who goes first?" Zack wondered, and he tossed a glance in her direction. "Ladies?"

Surprisingly, Yuffie didn't immediately speak up, so Aeris shrugged. "You go ahead, Zack. I need some time to get a brush through my hair first. Tifa, too, I think."

"Definitely," Tifa agreed, meeting her gaze.

"Awesome," said Zack. "I'll try not to use all the hot water."

He disappeared into the bathroom, and Aeris cast about for a brush of some kind. Jessie offered her a comb, which she accepted gratefully.

"So, uh," Yuffie began uncertainly, her eyes on Marlene. "I don't think we've all been introduced, exactly."

"Hey, that's right, ain't it?" said Barret. "Marlene, this's Yuffie. I told you all about 'er, remember?"

Yuffie approached and extended a hand, but Marlene just ducked closer into Barret's side. "Hey, I don't bite," said Yuffie. "Most of the time."

Barret laid an encouraging hand on Marlene's back, and she very shyly took Yuffie's hand.

"An' that there's Cloud," Barret went on, nodding in his direction. "Kinda looks like a chocobo, right?"

Cloud scratched his head, and Marlene gave a little giggle, starting to relax again.

"We'll get to Zack when he comes out, but I'm sure you're all gonna be friends in no time."

Marlene looked to the bathroom door, but then she seemed to realize something and glanced around. She looked up at Barret questioningly.

"Vincent... ain't big on bein' around lots o' people," Barret explained. "Guess he's kinda shy, too. We can check in on 'im later."

"Okay," said Marlene.

She was certainly going to have no shortage of babysitters, Aeris thought to herself. Even Yuffie seemed like she might be game.

"Pretty exciting to have everybody all together here, isn't it?" said Tifa.

"I guess it's the first time since we left Kalm," said Jessie. "Seems like ages ago."

"We can't let that happen again," said Barret.

Yuffie scratched her head. "So... what? We're all sticking together?"

"Still plenty to do, ain't there?"

"Oh, let's not start getting into that already," Aeris broke in. "We've finally got the chance to rest for once. AVALANCHE is officially on vacation--I don't want to hear any other kind of plans today."

Barret gave a chuckle. "I ain't gonna argue with that."

As the others chatted about increasingly outrageous vacation ideas, Tifa beckoned Aeris over to help with her hair. They sat together on the bed behind Barret and Marlene, and it took a while, with that little comb, for Tifa to work through all of her curls. By the time they switched, Yuffie and Jessie had already taken their turns in the shower and gone off to see what help they could give Elmyra.

"What would you think if I cut it?" Tifa wondered abruptly as Aeris started in on her hair.


"Don't worry, I don't mean to lop it all off. Maybe about here." She reached around, indicating her mid-back, and Aeris relaxed.

"It takes so much work to get it this long, though," Aeris noted.

"I know, but..." Tifa trailed off, searching for her words. "I haven't cut it since Nibelheim, except to keep it out of my face. Maybe it's time for something new."

Aeris thought for a moment, picking through the tangled locks. Was this part of Tifa finally putting it behind her? "Well, I don't think you should do anything drastic," she said, "but shorter could be cute. And it would give me a better view of... certain things."

Tifa threw her a look over her shoulder. "Are you talking about my butt?" she asked, and Aeris just giggled. "I take it you're going to go on having way too much hair," Tifa went on.

"That's the plan! I like it this way. Though, maybe I should wear it down more often. What do you think?"

"Down is nice," said Tifa, and Aeris smiled, remembering the look on her face when she'd first let out her braid, before Wall Market.

Aeris wound up going last. She thought about bathing with Tifa, but it seemed like too much of a temptation, and they were supposed to be sitting down for a nice lunch with everyone, not spending a suspicious amount of time in the bathroom. Tifa would be embarrassed, too.

She had to wonder about the sleeping arrangements. Was there any chance they could get a room to themselves? Maybe they could slip away later.

The room was empty as Aeris stepped out, doing up the last of the buttons on her borrowed dress. No doubt Tifa had gone to see if she could help in the kitchen, and she could hear the muted sounds of lively conversation on the floor below. She started down the hall, but as she passed the next room, she caught murmured voices from within, too.

One of the voices belonged to Vincent, but the other...

Aeris knocked, and when Vincent answered, she cautiously opened the door. By the decor, it must have been the designated guest bedroom, and clearly where her mother had been staying. Now, Vincent sat on a stool beside the bed where Lucrecia lay resting, eyes open.

"You're awake," observed Aeris, and that little knot of guilt began to untwist.

"Aeris," said Lucrecia, smiling. "I wanted to see you. Come here." She couldn't seem to lift her arm, and instead beckoned with a nod. Aeris obliged, stepping into the room and going to her bedside.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"It's gone," said Lucrecia, and though she spoke softly, there was a palpable relief in her voice. "It's finally gone. I can't possibly express... how grateful I am, for this moment."

Aeris faltered. "Moment?"

Lucrecia glanced at Vincent. "I'm... not sure how much time I have. I haven't much strength left in me."

"That doesn't mean you won't recover," Aeris insisted. "Zack and Cloud are already so much stronger today. And we can get you to a doctor soon."

"I appreciate your optimism. But it's all right. Even if it were only a few minutes... This is what I've wanted. To know I can go in peace."

Aeris looked to Vincent, unsure what to say. He met her gaze, and he wasn't so stoic now. There was a bittersweet look in his eye--relief that he hadn't lost her to an unending sleep, pain at the thought that these waking moments might be brief.

"...she always was a pessimist," was what he said. It was almost laughable, coming from him, and Lucrecia smiled wryly.

"We make a pair, don't we?" she said.

Vincent said nothing, but his hand, resting atop Lucrecia's, now curled around it, squeezing gently, and they looked at each other.

"You do," said Aeris. She watched them a moment, wishing there was something she could do, but maybe the best thing was to stop intruding. "Um, you're welcome to join us all for lunch, but I understand if you just want to take the time to yourselves."

Vincent nodded.

"You all enjoy yourselves," said Lucrecia. "Vincent was never one for a crowd anyway."

"I'll make sure to bring you something," Aeris promised instead, and she went back out into the hall, closing the door softly behind her.

How to feel about it? There was no blame. Lucrecia said it was what she wanted. But, would she have liked more, if she could have it? More time with Vincent, more time in the world as a human being again, without the burden of her misguided research in her very bones?

Maybe it was too much to ask. The Planet had done its best to honor Aeris's wish in helping those afflicted with Jenova, rather than erasing them along with it. Maybe this was the best outcome they could have hoped for.

"Are you all right, Aeris?" It was Nanaki, padding down the hall towards her.

"Oh, I'm fine," she said. "Good, actually. Lucrecia's awake."

"Then she's going to be all right?"

"...I don't know. But they have a little more time, at least."

Nanaki glanced at the door and then nodded in understanding. "We can all hope for the best," he said. "But, in the meantime... Marlene wanted you for something."

"Marlene does?" Aeris wondered, her mouth quirking into a smile. Marlene was so important to Tifa, and Aeris wanted a relationship with her, too. To be a part of their family.

"She didn't say for what, but I am quite useless in the kitchen, so I volunteered to fetch you."

"Do you even like any human food?" Aeris asked him as she went on down the hall and he fell into step beside her.

"Sometimes," said Nanaki. "There seems to be an excess of vegetables today, but... I will enjoy the company."

Down in the kitchen, it was plain Elmyra had plenty of help, between Tifa, Jessie, Wedge's brother, and Marlene. The rest of the boys must have already been at the table, and Yuffie lounged near the back door.

"I'm supervising," she said when Aeris looked her way, and Aeris gave a shrug; too many people in a kitchen could be more of a hassle than a help.

"Aeris!" Marlene exclaimed, noticing her. "We have to go pick flowers."

"Oh?" Aeris said, glancing to Tifa.

"For the table," Tifa clarified. "It was Marlene's idea, and we all think it would look nice."

"Well, of course I agree," said Aeris. "I'm happy to help."

Marlene reached out her hand, and Aeris took it, letting the girl lead her out the back porch, where a long table had been set up for their meal--two tables, actually, their joining not quite disguised by the tablecloth. Barret, Zack, and Cloud were already settled at it, having their own conversation, and Zack lifted a hand as Aeris passed with Marlene.

Even with the weather turning colder, there were plants in bloom alongside the house and wildflowers enough growing beside the path to the barn. Aeris kept pace with Marlene, and they slowly collected the best of the blooms into bouquets.

"When you and Tifa get married," said Marlene, "can I be your flower girl?"

"Married?" Aeris laughed. "I don't see why not, but that's a ways off."

"How come?"

"We've only been together a month!" Had it even been a whole month yet? With everything that had happened, a month felt like a conservative estimate, but Aeris wasn't sure.

Marlene paused and looked up at her seriously. "But you love each other, right?"

Aeris realized she was going to have to give this a serious answer. "Of course we do, but... You know how Tifa likes to take her time and be sure of things? That's a really good idea when it comes to marriage. It's a big decision."

Marlene thought about it, nodded, and then said, "I still think you should."

"Well, I am glad to have such a strong supporter," Aeris said, smiling. "It's not always easy accepting someone new into your family."

"Tifa really likes you."

"Did she say so?"

"Uh-huh. And she's smiling a lot."

"You've noticed that already, huh?" They'd scarcely been here long at all.

Marlene nodded. "Everything feels happy today."

Aeris hesitated. Everything? "What do you mean?" she asked.

Marlene smiled up at her and lifted the fistful of flowers she'd collected. "Look!"

Maybe this was just a child being a child. The people she loved had all come home to her after a huge achievement; they were all in a good mood, Marlene was in a good mood, and she might be projecting that happiness onto the world around her. It was already a beautiful day. But maybe...

Teach her, came her mother's voice. She's so young... If you're right about humans, then she hasn't yet learned to block out the Planet. Her mind is open.

Do you think I'm right, Mom?

Maybe. Can it hurt to try?

Aeris crouched down in front of Marlene, and the little girl lowered her flowers, watching her curiously. "Marlene... Since you left Midgar and came here, have you started hearing new things? Maybe when no one's talking, and it's just you."

"You mean like birds?"

Aeris shook her head. "Just now you said... everything feels happy, like the world itself is feeling it. The earth beneath us... it has a voice, but it's hard for a lot of people to hear."

Marlene looked down at her shoes. "We have to be real quiet?"

"It helps, sometimes, but maybe you heard it without even thinking about it. Right now, the Planet is singing..."

They were quiet for a few minutes. Insects buzzed among the wildflowers, a bird twittered somewhere near the barn, and a gentle breeze rustled the greenery around them. Beneath it all, the Planet hummed softly.

"I hear lots of things," said Marlene, uncertainly.

"There's a lot that makes up the Planet's song," said Aeris, not wanting to discourage her. "Maybe we can listen together later?"

Marlene smiled. "Sure."

They returned to the farmhouse, and Marlene went straight to Barret and thrust her flowers into his hand. He exclaimed over them appreciatively, but then had nowhere to put them. Aeris caught his eye over Marlene's head as she climbed into his lap.

"I'll be right back with some vases," she said.

Tifa had some ready in the kitchen, and Aeris set them out on the table amid the waiting dishes of food. She arranged the flowers, fingers brushing over their petals, and she knew this was a part of her life that she missed. Could she get back to it any time soon? AVALANCHE hadn't led such a rootless existence, before she'd met them.

It wasn't much longer before they were all gathering out on the porch. A motley crew by appearances: Jessie, Yuffie, and Wedge wore the suits Reeve had procured them, having nothing cleaner, while most everyone else was in borrowed, ill-fitting clothes. "We just can't escape looking like farm boys," Zack remarked to Cloud, but no one had any real complaints. There was such a strong sense of belonging and safety. Nothing bad could touch them here.

I'm glad to know I leave you in good hands, said Ifalna.

Are you going somewhere?

I've been going. You know that. Slowly, ever homewards. I can't say how much longer it will take.

There was no sadness in her mother's voice, only calm. You've been holding yourself together for me, haven't you? You could have returned to the Planet by now.

For me, too. I wanted to see you grow. And... look at you now.

Yeah... I'll be all right, Mom. I'll be happy to hear your voice, as long as you want, but you don't have to worry.

I know. I love you, Aeris. I don't think this will be the last time we speak, but I want you to remember that.

I will. I love you, too, Mom.

Tifa gave her hand a squeeze. "You all right, Aeris?"

Aeris smiled at her. "Yeah. I'll tell you later, but... it's nice, being here with everyone, isn't it?"

"It really is," Tifa agreed.

With everyone settled at the table, Wedge introduced them all officially to his brother Derek. The two of them looked so much alike that the contrast in their attire made them look as though they'd stepped out of the pages of some children's book. Derek was clearly a little overwhelmed by how crowded his home had suddenly become, but he was a gracious host. Unfortunately, there was nothing remotely brooding about him, Aeris observed.

Conversation over their meal overlapped, though it wasn't hard to follow. Everyone wanted to share moments from their latest adventure in Midgar. Jessie spoke with pride about her stint as de facto leader. Yuffie boasted about taking out the guards at the TV station during Reeve's broadcast, but complained about Vincent and Lucrecia 'smooching' when they were reunited. Zack kept interrupting to compliment the food.

It was Tifa who told how Holy had struck the Shinra building, and how its light had washed over them. Aeris was surprised to hear how she described it, like being embraced by an old acquaintance. Some of the others nodded along, as though they'd felt it, too--a connection they all shared, having summoned it together. Just knowing that made her heart swell; she was right, wasn't she? Her friends weren't deaf to the Planet, weren't strangers to it.

Maybe, Aeris wouldn't be the end of something, but the beginning. Opening the way into uncharted territory.

Most of them had about cleared their plates when Jessie's phone rang.

"Oh!" she exclaimed. "Sorry, I didn't even think to turn it off; all of us are here..."

"Yeah, so who's calling?" asked Yuffie.

"Reeve?" Wedge suggested. "Might be important."

Frowning thoughtfully, Jessie pulled the phone out of her pocket. "...it says it's Tseng," she said.

"What?" said Aeris, and beside her she noticed Elmyra's hands still, worry creeping over her at the name. Marlene didn't seem to recognize it, but Barret's arm settled around her protectively.

Jessie looked up at them. "Should I answer it?"

Tifa reached her hand across the table. "I'll do it. Maybe we'll learn something." Taking the phone, she answered the call. "What do you want?"

Aeris made out an unfamiliar woman's voice on the other end of the line. "Hello? Have I reached AVALANCHE?"

Her brow furrowing, Tifa switched the phone to speaker. "Who is this?"

"My name is Shera. Um, I'm a friend of Yuffie's."

"Shera, yeah!" Yuffie exclaimed, slapping her hand against the table. "She was that mechanic I told you about, who helped us out on the Highwind?" The woman who'd slipped Aeris that note, she recalled.

"Nice to hear from you then, Shera," said Tifa, relaxing a little. "This is Tifa. But what're you doing with Tseng's phone?"

"I asked if I could borrow it to call home," Shera explained, "but... I decided to make some other calls, too."

"Then he made it out of the Shinra building?" Aeris asked.

"Yes. We took a number of people onto the ship when that light appeared in the north. Rufus and Tseng were the last of them."

"That's a real shame," said Barret. "What about Heidegger?"

"No... No one knows for sure, but everyone's assuming he and Scarlet didn't make it. Palmer, too."

Barret made an appreciative grunt, but kept any more colorful comments to himself, given the company.

"Who's Palmer?" Yuffie wondered.

"Head of the Space Program?" said Jessie.

"That's right," said Shera. "Anyway, Rufus ordered the Highwind to Junon. We're anchored at the military base, but a lot of us... Well, I've been hearing the crew's complaints about Shinra since the beginning. After that broadcast that Reeve did, I started talking to everyone. We've decided that once the military personnel have disembarked... we're going to take the ship."

"Wow, really?" said Yuffie, leaning forward with interest.

"I- I hope so, anyway," said Shera. "The thing is, I haven't been able to get in touch with Reeve. Most calls to Midgar aren't getting through. So, I thought I would reach out to you all..."

Tifa sat back. "...are you offering us the Highwind?"

"If you want it."

"Man, absolutely," said Zack. "Who'd turn down an offer like that?"

Tifa's expression remained incredulous, and she exchanged glances with Barret before answering. "Well, we could certainly use it, especially right now... We'll take you up on that, Shera."

The conversation went on for a while, determining logistics. Tifa remained cautious, not telling Shera where they were but instead suggesting they meet in Kalm. They'd discuss their next destination then, once they were confident the Highwind was really theirs.

"That's a nice stroke of luck," Zack remarked after Tifa ended the call.

"Where should we head first?" Jessie wondered, looking to Tifa and Barret.

"Cosmo Canyon," Barret answered without hesitation. "I promised you guys, that's where we'd go to celebrate, so we will. This time, you're comin,' too, Wedge," he added, and Wedge smiled.

"And, we can get Lucrecia to our doctors," Nanaki put in.

"...and check in on all the others," said Cloud, exchanging glances with Zack.

"Doesn't sound like there's any question," said Tifa. "Cosmo Canyon it is."

After the meal was over, Tifa and Wedge volunteered to do the dishes, while Barret, Jessie, and Marlene took some food on up to Vincent and Lucrecia. Aeris initially offered her services as dish-dryer, but when she saw her mother going by with a basket of dirty clothes, she thought she'd better help. It was a lot of laundry, and some of it was pretty dirty. Elmyra settled on the porch with the basket, and Aeris filled a tub with water from the pump nearby.

"Some of these need mending," Elmyra observed, "and I think a few of them... aren't really salvageable." She lifted one of Cloud's shirts, the back of it mostly burned off, and cast Aeris a worried look.

"Sephiroth," Aeris explained. "I don't think we'll be facing any more fights like that."

"I... hope not," said Elmyra. She set the ruined shirt aside and continued sorting through the pile. "I can't believe you just got here and you're leaving again already."

"What are you talking about? Aren't you coming, too?"

"To Cosmo Canyon? It's halfway around the world."

"So? That's exciting, isn't it?"

"I don't know..."

Aeris smiled wryly. Her mother had been to Kalm before, but she really wasn't much of a traveller. "Well, I think you'd like it there," she said. "Everyone's very kind and down-to-earth. Maybe you'll even want to stay."

"Oh, I don't think so," said Elmyra. "But... I suppose it might be interesting to see. And to spend more time with my daughter before you get whisked off on your next adventure."

"I think things will be a bit calmer now. We haven't talked it through yet, but I know Barret and Tifa don't want to be apart from Marlene again for so long, so maybe we'll wind up with a new home base. That should make it easier to visit."

Elmyra's face relaxed into a smile. "I'm glad."

"...so what do you think of her, Mom?" Aeris wondered. Elmyra must have overheard any number of conversations between Tifa and Marlene, and maybe Wedge had talked about her, too. Her mother's opinion had to have changed a lot since that morning after Tifa had spent the night at their house, but Aeris hadn't really had the chance to ask it.

"I think... she makes you very happy," said Elmyra. "I'd like to get to know her better, of course, but she seems quite dependable."

"Marlene thinks we should get married."

"A bit early for that," said her mother, fixing her with a look that said she believed Aeris might just be impulsive enough to do it.

Aeris laughed. "I know. But, I really like her, Mom."

"I know. They're good people, all of them. I'm... glad you fell in with them."

Aeris smiled, grateful to have the approval of both of her mothers.

It was much later, after the sun had gone down and they'd shared a quieter evening meal and Marlene had been put to bed, that Aeris finally got a moment alone again with Tifa. They couldn't have a bedroom to themselves without either ousting Vincent and Lucrecia from the guestroom or Derek from his own bedroom, so they'd volunteered to be the odd ones out, and sleep on the sofa in the living room.

It was a cozy room off the kitchen, enclosed to make it easier to heat in the winter. The sofa faced a large stone hearth, and the shelves on the walls were crammed with books and boxes and knick-knacks in no discernible order. Some moonlight came in through the windows, and they had an oil lamp burning on a side table.

Tifa spread a blanket across the sofa cushions and then sat down, leaning back. "What a day," she said.

Aeris sat down beside her, tucking her feet beneath her. "But a good one, right?"

"Yeah. Just... a lot of changes coming, you know?"

Aeris quirked an eyebrow. "Things have been pretty unstable the whole time we've known each other."

"I know," Tifa said, "but... Well, we've been working towards the one goal. Now Sephiroth's dead, and Holy's changed the landscape. There's still a fight to be had with Shinra, but I don't know what that's going to look like yet. And we've got an airship now? I never imagined an AVALANCHE with that kind of resource."

Aeris nodded in understanding. "There's a lot Reeve could provide for us, too, if he can get the situation in Midgar under control. They're good changes, but I guess they'll take a minute to sink in."


"I wonder if Reeve would be able to get us our stuff back," Aeris mused. "I never thought of myself as materialistic, but there are a few things I'd rather not lose."

"You mean besides the White Materia?" Tifa wondered.

"Yeah. My seeds, the photo of my parents, that scarf with the butterflies..."

Tifa thought for a moment, and shrugged. "We can replace those, if we need to. I mean, I bet we could get a still image printed off one of those videos. It'll be easy getting back to Icicle Inn with an airship."

Aeris almost pouted at how easily she suggested just replacing it all when she remembered who she was talking to. Tifa had lost everything not once but twice. Of course she would look at the loss of a few small treasures and see how to move on.

"I guess you're right," she said instead. "It's not such a big deal."

Tifa's glance told her she'd caught that initial reaction. "I am going to miss that swimsuit though," she offered.


"No, yours. It was cute."

Aeris smiled. "I guess we'll just have to go shopping again!"

"Us and what money? We're broke."

"Hmm. Well, maybe we can sell the truck once we get to Kalm."

"The one with the Shinra logo on it?"

"I'm sure Derek has some paint," Aeris reasoned, and Tifa shook her head. "What?"

"Nothing. Just, sometimes I forget you're almost as much of a con artist as Yuffie."

"I did grow up in the slums, remember?"

"Guess I'll always have a little small town in me," said Tifa.

"I have been wondering... what sort of people we're going to be now," Aeris admitted. "Are we going to keep jetting around the world, or are we going to settle in a town somewhere?"

Tifa hesitated. "I don't know," she said. "We'll have to talk it over with Barret."

"But you've been thinking about it, too, haven't you?" Aeris guessed.

"A little," Tifa confirmed. "I didn't expect to feel this way, but I was a little reluctant leaving Midgar again. It was home for a while, and... not all of that is gone, I'm realizing. We could rebuild something, there."

Aeris couldn't say she was surprised, but... "I don't know if I could live in Midgar again," she admitted. "Not... without the Planet's voice."

"Then, maybe we won't live in Midgar. But I need to help, I think."

"I understand," said Aeris. "I want to change it, too. And maybe with Reeve's help, we really can fix a place like Midgar."

Tifa smiled softly. "It doesn't seem so impossible now, does it?"

"Not after we've already done a few impossible things." Aeris grinned, and then she scooted back to make some space between them. "Anyway, there is one thing we could decide on now," she said, unfolding a map on the sofa.

"Did you borrow that from Jessie?" Tifa wondered, and Aeris nodded.

"Since the Highwind can take us anywhere, it really opens up our options." That vacation they'd been dreaming of, she could point to anywhere on this map, and they could make it happen. Aeris looked up at Tifa, wondering if it would be easier now for her to imagine. "So," she said, "where do you want to go after Cosmo Canyon?"

< Chapter 46 | Contents | Epilogue II >