Chapter 29

Tifa was impressed by how quickly the people of the canyon got to work. Nanaki could scarcely have had time to speak with anyone before she saw people carrying tables and benches out of the pub to set up closer to the bonfire.

Another time, Tifa would have gone to help, but the day had taken its toll on her. The mission had been a success, every member of her team had done their part, and yet, she felt thrown off kilter. She couldn't pin it down. Was it from dredging up Nibelheim again? From an unfounded, lingering worry that Zack wasn't Zack? Or, the even more unfounded worry at seeing Aeris with him?

Of course she was happy to see an old friend. Of course she wanted to spend time with him, especially if Tifa decided they'd have to leave him behind.

"You okay, Tifa?" Barret asked, and she gave her head a shake.

"I should be asking you," she said. "You're probably in about as much of a party mood as Vincent."

He shrugged and glanced at Yuffie, who still stood nearby. "Yeah, but I'll be all right."

Yuffie tilted her head thoughtfully, like she was trying to puzzle out what they meant. Tifa had skimmed through Dyne's file when they'd first gotten it from the Turks, and Barret had handed it off to Jessie, but Yuffie didn't even know why they'd wanted it.

"Yuffie," said Jessie, "you wanna go give Nanaki a hand?"

"He didn't say he needed one," Yuffie replied, missing the point until Jessie nodded meaningfully at Barret. "Oh! Um... I mean, I guess I can check. Who knows what these old nerds think qualifies as a party anyhow, right?"

Jessie smiled. "Right. Appreciate it."

"I mean it," Barret insisted as Yuffie walked off. "I'll be fine."

"Maybe," said Jessie, "but I think it bears some discussion. We didn't get the chance before, with everybody else around."

"I know it wasn't great news," said Tifa, "but at least you know where he is now."

Barret scratched his head. "Ain't exactly like I can go an' see 'im. Corel Prison don't got visitation. Can't even send 'im a letter..."

"Come on. Would sneaking into a prison be all that crazy for us?"

"...guess not. We don't got time for it now, though."

"We'll be headed north after the Temple, right?" said Jessie, and Tifa could see her already starting on some kind of plan. "I was thinking Costa del Sol's the best place for us to catch a ship to the northern continent. The prison wouldn't even be out of our way."

"Guess if we could figure out the terrain..." Barret considered.

"I know you're probably still worried about how he might react to seeing you again," said Tifa, "but it was Shinra soldiers he killed. That's not really any different from us."

Barret shook his head. "That's the thing, though. Seein' it on paper like that, it got me thinkin'... 'bout the kinda person I am. Maybe me an' Dyne got the same vendetta, but is that really the kinda person Marlene deserves for a father? We talk about savin' the Planet, fightin' the Shinra, but the way we been goin' about it... We cut those Turks loose today when we coulda killed 'em, and I got no idea if that was the right thing to do. They're Turks, but we don't got their blood on our hands..."

Tifa exchanged glances with Jessie. Marlene wasn't old enough yet to really comprehend what it was they did, and Tifa could hope that they'd be done with it by the time she was, but it wouldn't change the past. For the first time Tifa wondered how she might judge them for it when she was older.

She could see what Barret meant. You could call it a necessary evil, but that didn't make it anything Marlene deserved in her life. Shinra soldiers or no, Dyne was a convicted murderer.

Tifa shook her head. "I don't have any answers," she admitted. "I don't think you're going to have any about Dyne either, until you see him, but I can understand if you want to wait on that."

Barret hesitated, but then he let out a breath. "Nah. That'd be pretty selfish, wouldn't it? Makin' an old friend wait 'cause I'm worried 'bout the consequences for my life. He's in a damn prison."

Jessie put a hand on his arm. "I know all of us together've done some pretty questionable things... but you know, Barret, if he's anything like you, I think we'd be lucky to have him on our team."

"Hell," said Barret, looking embarrassed. "You shouldn't be allowed to say shit like that, Jess."

"Too bad. You're not my boss anymore."

"And I agree with her," Tifa added, "so you'll just have to suck it up, Barret."

"You ain't about to order me to have fun at this party, are ya?"

"No. But I'll encourage it. We could all use a little fun."

"Well," said Jessie, "if that's your attitude, then I say it's time for a quick makeover."

"What?" said Tifa.

"Your girlfriend's ex just showed up. If now's not the time to show off, I don't know when is."

"That's not... Zack isn't going to..." Tifa faltered and looked to Barret, but he only grinned in amusement and said absolutely nothing to help her. Well, at least he was having fun, she thought wryly. "You know I don't have anything nice," she settled on at last.

"We'll figure it out," said Jessie, undeterred. "I bet we can at least do something with your hair."

Tifa made one last appeal to Barret, but he just waved, and she allowed Jessie to drag her back to the inn.

"Okay," said Jessie, grabbing Tifa's bag and dumping it out on the bed before Tifa could ask her not to. "I know you had that big focus on practicality, so we don't have any dresses or anything fancy, but... Here we go, your ass looks fantastic in these pants."

"...why were you looking at my ass?"

"Aeris is the one who said it. Besides, you spend enough time walking behind someone and you can't help but notice these things."

Tifa rolled her eyes and held out a hand. "All right, give me the pants."

"You're probably fine with the tank top, though," Jessie reasoned, looking her over thoughtfully. "She's a big fan of your arms."

"She told you that, too?" Tifa wondered, tugging off her boots so she could change.

"She hasn't told you? Well, that might be smart. You embarrass easy."

Tifa tossed a pillow at her, and it hit Jessie unceremoniously in the face before falling into her lap.

"Yeah, like that. You think you'd be used to it, with all the guys who used to hit on you."

"It's completely different when it's Aeris," said Tifa.

"Because you actually want the attention?"

Tifa hesitated to admit it, but she nodded. "It's nice," she said, "but it's a lot sometimes, too. She told me last night that she's thought about... you know..."

"Sex?" Jessie finished bluntly, and Tifa flushed. "It's a nice thing to think about."

Tifa chewed on her lip. "How... do you know when you're ready?"

"You should probably be able to say it first," Jessie said in amusement. "But otherwise I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask. I think we've known Vincent about four days, and the fact I haven't made a move yet is taking things real slow for me."

"I know, I know... But at least you know what it's like."

"Never had sex with a girl before either," Jessie added, tapping her lip thoughtfully as though that was something she might need to look into. "But all right. You're probably building it up a lot in your head, psyching yourself out. People do that. I think it's okay to be a little nervous, but it's not gonna be anything life-changing. It's more like a fun activity you can do while you're naked."

"A fun activity, huh...?"

"Ideally, anyway. Sometimes it can be... not so great. You gotta find what works for you, and make sure she knows it, too."

What worked for her... Little things like having the lights on? "Um, thanks," Tifa said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Any time," said Jessie. "It's nice to know things are going well enough you're even thinking about it."

"Yeah. I just wish we could say the same for you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well... you don't really expect anything from Vincent, do you? I mean, the man's in mourning."

Jessie shrugged. "I know. Sometimes that's when people want a little comfort."

"...I guess you're right," Tifa conceded. "I'll... hope it works out for you then." Hadn't she and Aeris found comfort in each other? Who was she to tell Jessie not to seek that out? If they barely knew Vincent, it also meant Tifa couldn't say for sure whether he'd want that, too.

"Now, c'mere," said Jessie, "and lemme see your hair."

Tifa was skeptical at first, since Jessie never did much with her own hair, but she clearly had something in mind. A look of concentration on her face, she worked the shorter side of Tifa's part into two small braids that pulled the hair back from her face.

"I saw it in a magazine the other month," Jessie confided. "Thought it'd look good on you."

"I like it," Tifa decided, and she hoped Aeris would, too. Because that was what this was about, really, not showing up Zack.

As they passed through the pub, the clang of pots and thunk of knives on cutting boards signaled people busy in the kitchen. Outside, the tables were all set up, and some standing torches had been brought out for additional light. Barret was helping to carry some drums over to where a few musicians already sat tuning their instruments.

"Live music!" Jessie exclaimed. "There's a nice surprise."

"Coming through!" said Yuffie from behind them, and they stepped aside to let her pass. She was carrying a couple trays of fruit, and judging from the uneven slices, Tifa thought she might have done it herself, but that made it nicer, in a way. Tifa had never seen her eager to pitch in on any group activity before.

A man came out behind her carrying a keg, and Jessie nodded appreciatively. "This is shaping up pretty good," she said. "I'm gonna see if there's anything I can help with."

Tifa nodded, but for her part she went to have a seat at one of the tables, keeping an eye on the activity. She hadn't expected so much effort from anyone. Part of her wondered if they deserved it, but she was sure the townspeople were doing it more for Nanaki than any of them.

Yuffie plopped down across from her. "You changed your hair," she observed.

Tifa touched the braids reflexively. "Jessie thought I should dress up a little," she said.

Yuffie glanced down at herself and then shrugged. "Whatever. I always look good," she said, and Tifa thought it must be nice to have that kind of confidence.

"I thought you were helping," came Nanaki's voice from behind her, and Tifa twisted to see him approaching with Bugenhagen floating along beside him.

"I was!" Yuffie protested. "Gods, am I not allowed to sit down for one minute to talk to Tifa?"

Nanaki's ears twitched. "Sorry," he said.

"Nanaki tells me you all are leaving tomorrow," said Bugenhagen. "I am glad we have the opportunity to send you off."

"We really haven't been here very long," Tifa said.

"But it has been a lively few days! And I am heartened that this time Nanaki goes in the company of friends, who will look after him."


"Oh ho, am I embarrassing you? Well, it's my right, you know."

Tifa smiled. "We all try to look after each other," she said. "And I hope we'll be back to visit again before too long."

"So do I," Bugenhagen agreed. "You will always be welcome."

"And perhaps we could call sometimes," Nanaki suggested. "Grandfather has a telephone, it's just... very old."

"I disconnected it years ago, but I'm sure it still works."

"We'll be sure to test it, before we leave tomorrow," Tifa said. They had some phones to spare now if it didn't work, but she didn't manage to say that aloud, as she'd finally noticed Aeris coming down to the common behind them.

Bugenhagen smiled. "Well, I'll leave you to it. I'd like to see how things are progressing in the kitchen."

"...I'd better go with him," Nanaki said, watching the old man float off. "He always sneaks food when he thinks no one is looking."

Tifa nodded absently. "Of course," she said.

Aeris spotted her just as he was walking off, and approached with Zack and Cloud in tow. She'd let her hair down again, and she wore a silk scarf tied loosely about her neck. White, with blue butterflies. Had Zack bought it for her...?

"Oh, I love what you did with your hair," Aeris exclaimed immediately, and dropping down onto the bench beside Tifa, she reached out to run the braids through her fingers.

"Jessie did it," Tifa said.

"It looks good," said Zack.

"Thanks..." she said cautiously.

He and Cloud were both dressed simply, Zack all in shades of brown, and Cloud in a plain black T-shirt that reminded her of what he'd worn as a kid.

"It's an improvement," she decided.

"I'll take it," said Zack. "You mind if we join you?"

Tifa shook her head. "Go ahead."

Yuffie narrowed her eyes as Zack and Cloud sat down on her side of the table. For Zack's part, it was clear he had no idea what he'd done to slight her, but Cloud seemed resigned to it.

"They must really like you around here," Zack remarked as he observed the preparations.

"It's Nanaki they like," Yuffie informed him. "This is his hometown, and he's been away a while. Plus his grandpa's like, the oldest and nerdiest one here, which gives him a lot of pull with all the other nerds."

"She says it like that, but it's basically true," said Aeris. "I'm not sure they would've even let us in without Nanaki."

"Huh. Well, I'll have to thank him for using his popularity for good. Plus we've got the same tattoo, I figure we oughtta be buds, right?"

He'd been wearing gloves as part of the uniform, but now Tifa's eyes fell to his bare hands atop the table, and sure enough, there was a tattoo: the number XIII, like Nanaki.

Cloud looked at him doubtfully. "You know that was from Hojo... right?"

Zack shrugged. "Yeah, but I'm trying to look on the bright side here. It's not so bad having something in common with one of my new friends."

"I'm not sure that's the angle I'd use, Zack," said Aeris, shaking her head.

A lot of the activity was settling now, villagers beginning to mingle as they ran out of tasks to help with. The buffet table grew laden with food--simple fare but plenty of it--and the band started up, a soft drumbeat joined by flute and guitar.

"Oh, excellent," said Zack. "I'm gonna see if they can give us something we could dance to."

As he hopped up again, Aeris looked hopefully to Tifa, but she had to shake her head.

"Sorry. I don't think I have the energy for it."

"Not even for slow dancing?" said Aeris. "That's all I know anyway."

"Slow dancing?"

"You just sort of put your arms around each other and sway."

"Does that even qualify?" Tifa wondered skeptically.

"Mm, it's barely dancing," Aeris conceded. "Mostly an excuse to touch each other."

"Gross," said Yuffie.

"I could probably manage that," Tifa decided, "but I don't think it's what Zack has in mind."

"I'll make sure and ask them to mix it up," said Aeris, and then she leaned forward across the table. "What about you, Cloud? You up for dancing?"

Cloud ducked his head down. "Um... I don't... All I know are country dances."

"Where do you think we are?" Tifa asked him. "About the only city folk here are Aeris and Jessie. Maybe you can teach them a thing or two."

"I'm definitely open to learning!" Aeris declared. "Hmm, I wonder if Barret dances?"

Tifa had trouble imagining that, but she shrugged. "Seems like the perfect time to find out. Why don't you go ask him? But-- if he does, see if you can get him to take the arm off first?"

Aeris laughed and nodded. "Come on, Cloud. We've gotta check up on Zack, too. We can't let him monopolize the band."

Tifa watched them go and then turned to Yuffie. "You gonna get in on this?"

Yuffie snorted. "Hell no. I'm so not into anything that's all about touching people."

"Well, I guess you can keep me company then."

"Um..." Yuffie fidgeted. "I was actually hoping to ask you, like... How do you make it official, being part of AVALANCHE?"

The question made Tifa smile. "You pretty much just decide to, at this point. You've more than proven yourself."

"Just like that?"


Yuffie thought for a second, drumming her fingers on the table. "And it's not like, a forever kind of deal, right? I mean, you've got that one guy who's not with you right now."

"Wedge," Tifa said. "And you're right. No one's going to force you to stay if you ever find you need to bow out, or take a break. You just tell me."

Yuffie nodded to herself. "Okay. Then... Yeah, I think I want to join."

"Welcome to the team," Tifa said, and she extended a hand across the table. Yuffie shook it firmly.

"Anyway, while everybody else's off looking like idiots, maybe we should get some food?" Yuffie suggested.

"Good idea," Tifa agreed.

It made for good dinner entertainment, watching Zack and Cloud trying to wrangle their friends and some of the village children through a dance. Tifa barely recognized what they were trying to do, but despite the lack of coordination, everyone seemed to be having a good time. Even Barret gave it a try, though he gave up on it after only a few minutes and joined them at the table instead.

Nanaki reemerged outside with Bugenhagen, but they chose to sit at another table with the locals, and for tonight, Tifa thought that was exactly where Nanaki belonged.

Eventually some of the villagers took over with a different dance, and the rest of their friends took a break to eat.

"Looks like I might have to cross dance instructor off my list of potential new careers," Zack sighed as he rejoined them.

"We had fun," said Aeris. "That's the important part."

"And some of it might be the fault of your students," Jessie offered. "I'm not that coordinated."

"Hey, I don't wanna hear any of that," said Zack.

"We probably should've started simpler," said Cloud.

"Or agreed on the steps," Barret put in.

"Regional variation does make things a little tricky," Zack admitted.

"Maybe you guys can work on that and get it straightened out for next time," Jessie suggested.

Zack glanced at Tifa, hesitated, and nodded. "Yeah. Next time. We'll all wind up getting together again like this sooner or later, right?"

"Sooner or later," Tifa agreed. She could at least give him that much.

In time, the band got around to playing some slower music, and Aeris eagerly took Tifa by the hand and tugged her out onto the common. She placed Tifa's hands around her waist, slipped her own around Tifa's neck, and began to shuffle her feet slowly with the music.

"Is this how they dance in the city?" Tifa teased.

"Well, nobody's got the room for whatever Zack was trying to walk us through. People must've danced in your bar, though. You had the jukebox and everything."

"Sure, sometimes. But nothing this... restrained."

"I think I know exactly what you mean," Aeris laughed.

Tifa wondered where Aeris had picked this up, though. Had she ever gone dancing with Zack?

Aeris gave her a knowing look. "It's cute that you're jealous," she said, "but you don't have to worry. He's just an old friend."

She could have pointed out that Zack seemed to feel differently, but that didn't matter if it was one-sided. She had to trust what Aeris was telling her.

"I know," Tifa said instead. "Maybe it's not just that, I mean... He knew you when things weren't so crazy. He must've gotten to take you out to do normal things all the time, and not just... in between hostage negotiations."

"That's true," Aeris admitted. "But there were important parts of me that I was too scared for him to know. It's never been like that between us."

"So you would have told me about being a Cetra, if the Shinra hadn't taken you?"

"...maybe not so soon. But I wanted to. You were fighting for the Planet, and I wanted you to know how important it was to me, too."

Tifa remembered a few times, in those first couple days, when Aeris had seemed on the verge of saying something, and hadn't. Trying to work up the courage, but not there yet.

"Zack really wants to help, too, you know," Aeris added quietly.

Tifa shook her head. "I don't know if we can afford to be watching our backs around our own allies."

"It's only a problem when Sephiroth is nearby, right? It's not just him we're dealing with. The Shinra are headed for the Temple, too."

Tifa didn't reply right away. Against the Shinra, there was no question that Zack would be a strong ally. He was an ex-SOLDIER, and Yuffie had told them how easily he'd taken out those snipers. For the AVALANCHE of a month ago, she would have had far fewer doubts about recruiting him.

But they never knew when Sephiroth might show himself, and Zack might seem confident, but that didn't mean he wasn't vulnerable. Who had it really been, at the Shinra building? Sephiroth, or the illusion of him over someone else's body?

On the other hand... Maybe things were different now that he and Cloud knew about it. Maybe they could fight it. And didn't they have a right to try? Was it cruel to them, to keep them from a chance at vengeance, because of one split-second failure? Did that really prove they were unreliable?

They knew Sephiroth would be at the Temple. No surprises there. They'd already know to be on their guard.

"If they're going to come with," Tifa said carefully, "then I need Zack to listen to me. If I say he has to sit something out, then that's it. He can't go trying to play hero anyway."

Aeris smiled wryly. "He won't like that, but I think he can handle it."

"All right."

"Thanks, Tifa."

Tifa could see him now sitting with the others, talking animatedly about something. Cloud beside him, not talking much but talking sometimes, smiling. "...Cloud does seem better with him around, doesn't he?" she said.

"Yeah. I think they're going to be good for each other."

Not that Zack seemed to need it. And, maybe that was it. Maybe her jealousy wasn't as much about Aeris, as about Zack himself. Nibelheim had happened five years ago, and while Tifa could keep it together most of the time, it had changed her. Zack's ordeal had ended only weeks ago, and he seemed... fine. Hardly any different from the younger man she remembered. Friendly, outgoing, positive. How could he be so positive?

" Zack really okay, do you think?"

Aeris regarded her thoughtfully. "He has his worries, if that's what you mean," she said. "But he's not the only one who tries to shrug them off, around most people."

"You're talking about me?"

"Yeah. Are you sure tomorrow isn't too soon?"

Tifa frowned. "I know I could use more time," she admitted, "but I don't think we can afford it. I won't be alone... so it should be all right, shouldn't it?"

Aeris held her closer. "Everyone will be with you, this time. You'll have all the back-up you need."

"So will you. Whatever happens."

"I know."

Tifa turned her head into Aeris's, their cheeks brushing. "...I like the scarf, by the way," she said.

"Oh, I hoped you would," said Aeris. "Barret told me blue is your favorite color."

"You really do talk to all my friends about me, don't you?"

"Of course! And now you have one of mine you can talk to."

"That might be a little awkward," Tifa said wryly.

Aeris laughed. "Maybe."

"I'm okay with just... learning about you from you."

"I think you're more patient than I am that way. I want to know everything."

Tifa didn't worry about it as much as she had in the beginning, but she wondered if Aeris would really like everything, if she were to learn it. There had to be something that would disappoint her, even if it was something small. "Well," said Tifa, "what's one thing, right now?"

"Hmm..." Aeris pulled back to look her over thoughtfully. "If Cloud danced at your country parties, then you must have, too. Were you any good? What were they like?"

"They were festivals, not parties," Tifa corrected. "We'd have them in the summer months, and into the fall. I don't think I was so bad, but... Papa was, so we never really made an account of ourselves."

"You didn't think about switching partners?"

"Never crossed my mind," Tifa admitted. "It was just something we did together."

Aeris smiled. "That's sweet."

"Next time, you and me..."

"I'll look forward to it."

The band eventually moved on to a livelier tune, and they returned to their friends. Tifa caught Zack's eye, and gave him a nod. "All right," she said.

"Wait, is that a yes?" he said. "We can come along?"

"Yeah," Tifa confirmed. "When we leave tomorrow, you and Cloud are coming with us."

Zack grinned and reached across the table to clasp her hands. "Thank you," he said emphatically. "I promise you won't regret it. We're gonna kick some ass together this time, Tifa."

Taken aback, Tifa found herself glancing at Cloud, who shrugged, as if in silent agreement that Zack could be a little much sometimes. "...yeah," she said. "We're gonna kick some ass."

They spent the rest of the evening sitting and chatting about stupid things. Zack got his cake at last, which he graciously shared with all of them, and even with him there, the conversation grew easy. It had been a good idea, Tifa realized, getting them all together like this. It would make it easier to fight together, when the time came.

She'd lost track of the hour when at last people began to disperse, cleaning up what was left of the buffet but leaving the rest for morning.

"Maybe we shouldn't head out too early in the morning," Jessie proposed as they got up from their table.

"Maybe," Tifa agreed. As she glanced up at the night sky and the silhouette of the canyon, she recalled, "Has anyone seen Vincent? He doesn't know we're leaving tomorrow."

"I can go look for him," Jessie volunteered, but she'd had enough to drink that maybe all those stairs and ladders weren't the best idea right now.

"No," said Tifa. "I appreciate it, but I think I need to check in with him. If I'm the leader, I should know what's going on with my team, right?"

Barret offered to help her track him down, saving her some stairs, and they found him on one of the upper landings overlooking the common. He could have watched the whole party from up here. She wondered what he'd made of it.

Vincent glanced up at her as she stepped out onto the landing. "Did you need something?" he asked.

Tifa approached and sat down on the ledge beside him, and she knew that getting up again was going to be a chore. Below, someone had extinguished the last of the torches, leaving only the bonfire to illuminate the common. "I wanted to see how you were doing," she said. "I didn't expect you to join in, but that doesn't mean you wanted to be completely alone."

"I am accustomed to it."

"I figured. And I've been thinking you preferred it that way, but they're not the same thing, are they? So, how are you holding up?"

Vincent shook his head. "It was not so shocking as you imagine. I had already thought she must have died."

Tifa hesitated. "That's different from learning that she wanted to," she said.

She'd read that file, too. Lucrecia had tried to kill herself, following her recovery from Sephiroth's birth. After her second attempt, Professor Gast had filed paperwork for a leave of absence for her, implying some discussion between them, but she had simply vanished after the hospital released her. She hadn't gone home. She hadn't used her ID. No trace of her. It left an unfortunately easy conclusion.

"I just... I'm really sorry, Vincent."

"...thank you. But all of it happened... a very long time ago. Didn't it?"

"Does it feel that way to you?"

"No," he admitted. "It doesn't."

"If you'd rather not talk about it..."

Vincent shook his head again. "I don't know what there is to say. I never would have thought that someone like her... She was such a passionate, stubborn woman."

"I don't know if it matters," Tifa said, "the kind of person you are. If things get bad enough..."

"Then, if I had been there for her..."

"There's no way to know if it would have changed anything. I think... sometimes you can make yourself live for another person. Sometimes you can make yourself live for really stupid, tiny things. But sometimes there can be people loving you and supporting you, and it doesn't make any difference. I knew people like that."

A place like the Midgar slums made it easy to fall into that pit of hopelessness, and some people never made it out. But the way Vincent looked at her, he must have realized that she hadn't only talked about it with neighbors or bar patrons. She hadn't just learned it from other people. Tifa looked away.

"I always thought death would be lenient for me," said Vincent. A way of saying, indirectly, that he'd thought about it, too. "A way of shirking my punishment."

Tifa looked cautiously back at him. "Why did you decide to come with us?" she wondered.

"Difficult to say..." he admitted, and she waited until he went on. "I had not imagined that I could be of use to anyone, I suppose. I failed Lucrecia, failed the person most important to me. And there is no vengeance to be had on Hojo. But... the consequences of our mistakes should never have fallen on you. Perhaps I can play some small part now, to lessen your burden."

"That's... very kind of you."

"I would say too little, too late."

"For some things, maybe," Tifa conceded. "But without your help, I don't know if Barret and Jessie would be all right. Today's mission might not have been a success. If someone's keeping score, maybe that doesn't balance things out, but that's why we keep trying, right?"

"And what do you have to balance?"

"I've caused my share of collateral damage," Tifa said, recalling her earlier conversation with Barret and Jessie. They all had blood on their hands. "Some regular damage, too."

"Then, are we all atoning?" Vincent wondered.

"Most of us, I think. So I guess you're one of us after all."


Tifa let out a breath. "You weren't there when we talked about it, so I should tell you, we're leaving tomorrow, for the Temple. Make sure you get some rest, okay?"

Vincent nodded, and as she pushed herself to her feet, he rose with her. He walked down to the inn with her, as though to make sure she followed her own advice. In the hallway outside their rooms, he caught her eye.

"Hold onto her," he said.

Tifa nodded, and Vincent disappeared into the other room. She wondered, briefly, if the certainty of Lucrecia's loss would change anything for him. Was Sephiroth the last remaining piece of her... or was he a consequence to be dealt with?

In her own room, Jessie lay sprawled already asleep on her back, while Yuffie was nothing more than a lump under the blankets. Aeris waited with a ready smile by the light of the bedside lamp. Tifa sat down to take her boots off, and then Aeris wrapped her arms around her from behind.

"You've done way too much today," she said softly. "Let's get some sleep."

< Chapter 28 | Contents | Chapter 30 >