Happy 10 year anniversary to Korrasami! It felt only appropriate to do a redraw of the art I originally did immediately after the finale.
I'm not sure if folks coming up in today's media climate can fully understand the impact of this moment. Queer rep in shows aimed at adults was rare enough, and my expectation for it here was nill. I didn't think the writing supported Makorra as endgame, but the best case scenario I could imagine was that Korra ended the series single, and I would have been happy with that.
Instead, every flirtatious moment that I had convinced myself was accidental on the part of the writers was validated. It wasn't wishful thinking, it wasn't me watching the show through queer goggles, it was real and intentional and I felt seen. This absolute longshot thing was acknowledged as possible.
Whatever its flaws and however many other queer stories we get, I don't think anything else will ever hit me the same way.